Mailbox Rental

Virtual Mailbox Rental 

We offer traditional private mailbox rentals, but we are also one of the few businesses that also offers the 21st century version—Virtual Mailboxes.

What is a Virtual Mailbox? Most communications today have migrated to a “digital” environment—email, text, twitter, Instagram, etc. Now traditional, old-school mail is following suit by moving to a digital platform that allows you to receive and manage your letter mail and packages – without ever touching an envelope or box – all from your PC or smart device. And you can do it from anywhere in the world!  When you “rent” a virtual mailbox from Accelerated Postal & Print, you get a street address that allows you to have all letter mail and packages sent to us. 

Live out of state? No Problem. 

We can set it up to where you can have your mail forwarded on a regular basis or have all your content opened and scanned to your email for instant viewing.

This can be used when state regulations require a physical representation in the state or if you just want to make your customers feel safer about doing business with a company that has a Vancouver, WA address. 

All of this can be done via your PC, smart phone, laptop or tablet—any device with an Internet connection. Whether you live in Rome, Italy or Rome, Texas, you can now have a virtual mailbox at Accelerated Postal & Print . We’ll make managing your mail and packages as simple as sending a text or posting on Facebook.

Have A Question About Digital Mailbox Rentals?

For additional information on Digital Mailbox Rentals in Vancouver, WA, call 360-989-1700 . Not in a hurry? Click on the button below to send us a message.

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  • Fri
    Mar 28

  • Sat
    Mar 29

  • Sun
    Mar 30

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    Mar 31

  • Tue
    Apr 1

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    Apr 2

  • Thu
    Apr 3
